Title: Explainable Prediction Technique for Analyzing Information Disorder Using Fuzzy Rough Sets
PatternIQ Mining
© 2024 by piqm - Sahara Digital Publications
ISSN: 3006-8894
Volume 01, Issue 03
Year of Publication : 2024
Page: [37 - 47]
Udhayashankar S and Muniasamy P
Department of Computer Science, Vysya College, Ayodhyappattanam (P.O, Ramakrishnapuram), Salem, Masinaickenpatti, Tamil Nadu 636103
udhaya1707@gmail.com and profmuniasamy@gmail.com
A persistent challenge in the domain of social media pertains to the comprehension and representation of information disorder incidents, which include but are not limited to erroneous information, theories of conspiracy, and racial discrimination. These issues frequently become apparent in the written content of posts that are shared on networking platforms and multiple sites. The complexity of information disorder research stems from the wide range of internet epidemic genres and the diverse effects that such information can have on people. Furthermore, the difficulty is exacerbated by the emergence of generative AI models that are capable of generating information that is difficult to identify as synthetic. The findings can assist analysts and decision-makers in acquiring a more in-depth comprehension of the phenomenon occurring in the field of information disorder. Hence, Information Disorder Prediction using Fuzzy Rough Set (IDP-FRS) has been proposed to predict the disinformation in the collected domain accurately and identify fake and real information. Through the incorporation of fuzzy sets of data into modelling and prediction techniques, the research improves the accuracy and interpretability of models, hence facilitating the discovery of disinformation in a more trustworthy manner. Moreover, the introduction of explainable prediction approaches gives users the ability to make educated choices concerning the appropriateness and dissemination of information, which in turn promotes openness and confidence in predictive models.
Fuzzy Rough Set; Information Disorder; Prediction Analysis; Generative AI.